California Restaurant Insurance

f you have a restaurant you need to get the proper coverage for protecting you from potential lawsuits or others. That’s why we will discuss Californi

If you have a restaurant you need to get the proper coverage for protecting you from potential lawsuits or others. That’s why we will discuss California restaurant insurance.

Let’s start with the basics of state farm restaurant insurance and what a typical package includes. Then, we will dig into the more specifics.

What Is California Restaurant Insurance?

We can define a restaurant insurance as a policy designed to cover the involved components in a restaurant, including the property & supplies and employees & customers.

Of course, serving food relates to concerns about protecting their health. However, restaurant operation has different risks to consider.

Types of California Restaurant Insurance

It is important to know what coverage a restaurant owner really needs. A typical package of restaurant insurance looks something like these:

1.    General Liability

Firstly, it protects against lawsuit related to property damage or injury done by the business.   

     2.   Worker’s Compensation

If your employees are ill, get injured, or even die from a work-related incident, this restaurant insurance in California covers the financial ramifications.

3.    Property Insurance

Besides that, this California restaurant insurance covers damages to the physical building housing your restaurant.

4.    Business Income

Then, this one covers the financial loss when a business is closed because of fire damage or other types of disasters.

5.    Ordinance and Law

Furthermore, this covers the financial ramifications if your restaurant is not accordance to current state code.

6.    Boiler and Machinery

Meanwhile, this covers electric equipment in the building breaking down due to power surges, etc.

7.    Spoilage

Clearly, it takes care of the replacement cost of spoiled food due to power outages caused by surges, storms, etc.

8.    Communicable Disease

Last, it covers illnesses transmitted to customers because of improper hygiene of employees.

Optional Add-ons to California Restaurant Insurance

However, that California restaurant insurance package may not meet your needs. So, you need business auto insurance, coverage for signage, art floater insurance, or liquor liability insurance.